Toms Rātfelders on the Latvian Elections
Most people didn’t realize it, but the small Baltic nation of Latvia recently held elections. Most of the American press (if they did cover them) described them with apprehension about the strong electoral position of Latvia’s pro-Russia party (Harmony). Latvia has a long history, much of which is very closely tied to Russia and the former Soviet Union. After the fall of Soviet communism in the early 1990s, Latvia was admitted into the traditionally anti-Soviet military alliance known as NATO. To provide context to all this, our very own contributor Toms Ratfelders recently provided an interview with the online news platform The Politicon. Check out his interview to learn why first place finish of Latvia’s pro-Russia party might not be as concerning for western policy officials as you might think. And for more analysis of the Baltics and NATO, read our previous panel discussion on this topic.